"Ada Banyak Lagi Masalah Lain Selain Nak Jaga Laki Sebelum Sampai Akil Baligh" - Sharifah Aleya
Selebriti Sharifah Aleya mempunyai pandangan sendiri berhubung isu pelajar berkahwin pada usia muda.
Bercakap berdasarkan pengalaman, kata Aleya dia bersyukur kerana memiliki kerjaya yang stabil apabila rumah tangganya musnah.
"I was 24 years old when I first got married. Well into the preferred age, and yet, looking back, I was still immature, unprepared, too young!
"That marriage didn’t last. Alhamdulillah, I had career and good support to care for my twin daughters after the divorce.
"Imagine if I had married at 15. What career? What experience? Who would I depend on? How would I raise my children? Would I be allowed to care for my children? Would I be equipped? Would I be able to?
"If you have answered any of the questions above with “laki kan ada?” please unfollow me right now, get off social media and seek professional help. InshaAllah," tulis Aleya menerusi Instagramnya.
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Tambah Aleya, wanita pada usia muda terutama belasan tahun tidak seharusnya diberikan bebanan untuk memikirkan masalah rumah tangga.
"Women have enough issues in this day and age without having to worry about “jaga laki” before hitting puberty," tambahnya.
Kecoh baru-baru ini apabila timbul isu yang mendakwa seorang pelajar sekolah dinikahkan dengan seorang lelaki dewasa.
Teks oleh: Amri Hassan
Foto: @sharifahaleya
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