“11 Hours In Labour Room, He Was There...” - Dr. Puteri Julia Nabilah Megat Junid Kongsi Detik Suami Sambut Anak
Anak penerbit Datuk Ziela Jalil, Dr. Puteri Julia Nabilah Megat Junid berkongsi detik ketika suaminya menyambut kelahiran bayi sulung mereka.
Menurut Dr. Julia, dia terharu melihat suaminya Dr Dziya Faqhran Mahmod Fauzi mengazankan anak mereka selain mengimbas kembali kenangan manis yang dilalui mereka berdua sewaktu dirinya hamil.
“So this date last year i married this AMAZING man ive been calling my husband. So much has happened in the past year and ive been thankful everyday for having him in my life.
“Since the day we found out we were pregnant, he made me fall in love with him over and over again as the days passed like it was my first time falling in love. Dont event get me started on the things he had to ‘layan’ during my pregnancy ?
“Fast forward to the night of 13 June 2019, and we were in the labour room, he was there holding my hand as i breathed through each contraction, to stroke my head, to tell me that it will all be over soon.
“11 hours in labour that progressed so minimally, and by the 11th hour, our baby showed signs she was already in distress. As they pushed me in for the ‘caeser’ at 7:30pm, 14 June 2019, he joined me in the OT and stood by me, holding my hand throughout the operation.
“He was there. He was there when our baby was delivered and recited the Azan in her ears in the OT. He was there when she got her first few drops of breast milk, helping me feed her because i was too drugged up with the anasthesia.
“He was there when i had difficulty to get off the bed in the hospital. He was there for every toilet trips, serving me every meal, telling me to drink more water and giving me air zamzam every hour of the day.
"He was there to serve me my meds, and to help me change Alayna’s diapers, and to inject me with my daily dose of clexane.
“And most importantly, when i felt like my hormones were getting to me, and i cried occasionally for no reason at all, he was there to tell me things were ok. And that was enough to make me feel a huge amount better.
“Alayna, you are so blessed to have a father who loves you unconditionally, and i have been blessed with a husband who i have witnessed grow to be more extraordinary each day.
“You were definitely Allah’s top pick for me, a living dream sayang. Here’s to forever and in shaa Allah Jannah together. ♥️ Happy 1st Anniversary love @dziyafaqhran,” tulisnya
Posting itu juga merupakan ucapan sebagai menghargai suaminya bersempena dengan ulang tahun perkahwinan mereka yang pertama.

Dalam pada itu, menerusi ruangan komen rata-rata pengikutnya mengucapkan tahniah kepada Julia dan juga Ziela yang mendapat cucu.
Terdahulu, Dr Puteri Julia Nabilah telah berkahwin dengan Dr Dziya Faqhran Mahmod Fauzi pada 1 Julai 2018.
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